«Tuve la suerte de ser uno de los primeros dentistas en adquirir en AAE22 el PulpSucker, que me presentó mi mentor, el Dr. L. Stephen Buchanan, antes de que comenzara la producción. El PulpSucker es sin duda, un dispositivo robusto y muy eficaz y recomiendo encarecidamente incorporarlo a la práctica. Es un cambio radical»
Leer másEduardo Cuadra Davis – Implants
24 years ago I had an accident with a Surfing board and lost one front tooth and another tooth had a fractured root at the same time. A Fixed Denture bonded to one tooth was placed, with time it got loose and I felt uncomfortable because I thought someday the denture will get out or…
Leer másArq. Edgar Ricardo Silva – Implants
The Dental work is excellent. I think that Implant is best when I read about what I wanted, if to extract the tooth that had a Crown and broken root, or if to do a Fixed Bridge. The preferable choice was the Extraction of the broken tooth and the placement of One-Piece Immediate Function Implant…
Leer másIng. Irving Castro – Sleep Apnea
My experience with the use of the oral device has been of progressive improvement, at first I felt a little discouraged, since I thought change would be immediate, like other cases I have read about. Nonetheless, what I did notice from the first moment, was that even though I still had Apnea, there was lowering…
Leer másCap. Mauricio A. Pérez – Snoring
Sincerely, I have no words to thank you the excellent recommendation in the use of the Intraoral device for Snoring. It has changed my personal, work and family life. During the last 9 years I suffered from very loud Snoring that did not allow me or other people to rest. I suffered of permanent somnolence…
Leer másMarlon Lara – Snoring
Before I had very loud snoring problems and woke up very frequently at night; I had strong headaches the whole day. The snores were so loud that forced me to sleep in another room. I already started to use the Oral Appliance and now I do not snore, have no headaches. I am also on…
Leer másErick Villarreal – Implantes – Implants, Crowns and inlays
I recommend Sanmartín Dental Clinic because it has truly Professionals that can diagnose and troubleshoot oral health problems. They Clearly explain each procedure to be performed and the results expected of them. Personally I am very satisfied with the results I’ve gotten since I started treatment at this clinic, both functionally and aesthetically. The price/performance, relationship…
Leer másLuis A. Sepúlveda – Implants
MY EXPERIENCE WITH THE IMMEDIATE FUNCTION IMPLANT FROM SANMARTÍN DENTAL CLINIC “What I can say about this technology done by Dr. Sanmartín, is that it is excellent, very comfortable and fast. Despite my doubts in the use of a Dental Implant and in the implementation of new Implant technologies, I can not deny that the…
Leer másLic. Gil A. Moreno – Snoring
BEFORE: In a Sleep Study (Polysomnography) that was performed, it got registered that during that night I woke up 80 times. I was always feeling drowsy at the Stop signs, car jams, at the office. I heard about the options of a mask and a compressor (Nasal CPAP) that had to be always at my…
Leer másJavier Alberto Muñoz R. – Sleep Apnea
The use of the Device has been of great benefit and a prevention measure for the Snoring, Headache and drowsiness that 4 months ago I was suffering. The quality of my health has improved significantly; since these symptoms have practically totally disappeared. I widely recommend the utilization of this medical-dental option, for all person who…
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